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PemBla: A Phase 1 study of intravesical pembrolizumab in recurrent non‐muscle‐invasive bladder cancer

Journal article

Woodcock VK. et al, (2023), BJUI Compass, 4, 322 - 330

Effect of MUC1/β-catenin interaction on the tumorigenic capacity of pancreatic CD133+ cells.

Journal article

Sousa AM. et al, (2016), Oncology letters, 12, 1811 - 1817

The emerging Protumor role of γδ T lymphocytes: implications for cancer immunotherapy.

Journal article

Rei M. et al, (2015), Cancer research, 75, 798 - 802

Murine CD27(-) Vγ6(+) γδ T cells producing IL-17A promote ovarian cancer growth via mobilization of protumor small peritoneal macrophages.

Journal article

Rei M. et al, (2014), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, E3562 - E3570

Protective role of the inflammatory CCR2/CCL2 chemokine pathway through recruitment of type 1 cytotoxic γδ T lymphocytes to tumor beds.

Journal article

Lança T. et al, (2013), Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 190, 6673 - 6680